Troye Sivan and queer journeys.

On the 4th December 2015, Troye Sivan released his debut Blue Neighbourhood. The album dealt with themes of isolation, loneliness and fear which often accompany the self-discovery of gay people and coming to terms with who you are. I came out for the first time the next day. At the time I was 17 and was dealing with the same feelings expressed by Sivan. Whilst his debut did have plenty of joyful moments (see ‘WILD’ and ‘YOUTH’), it was the sadder ones (see ‘LOST BOY’, ‘HEAVEN’ and ‘FOOLS’) which resonated with me more.

Tomorrow the follow-up Bloom will be released and the early reviews, along with the already released singles, are suggesting an exuberant and exciting pop album. I can’t help but see how the timeline of Troye Sivan’s career and his artistic journey is similar to how my feelings regarding myself have changed. The tensions of being gay never fully leave you but the heaviness can certainly be alleviated with time and self-acceptance. For instance, ‘Bloom’ and ‘My My My!’ are both moments of revelation when the fear leaves and the self-love floods in. I no longer hold onto the fear of being my true self and not being loved for it; I now know that I am needed and loved for being me.

From what we have heard already, Bloom seems to be out and proud and a reflection of Sivan unabashedly being his true self. It is certainly hopeful that one of the most highly anticipated pop albums of the year is being released by a gay man exploring queer themes. The queer journey is never over and there are new obstacles everyday but the evolution is important and is what makes it so special.


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